Organisational Constellations

Organisational Constellations

Organisational Constellations focus on coaching, team dynamics, management, and leadership issues, addressing challenges such as stuckness, culture, recruitment, team performance, branding, strategy, and profit. This method helps us shift from problem-focused thinking to viewing the entire system and understanding what the symptoms or issues are trying to communicate. The organisation is treated as an entity with its own patterns, shaped by past experiences, like unresolved endings (for example, dismissing an employee without acknowledging their contributions).

By looking at the hidden systemic dynamics and patterns, and acknowledging them as they are, gives us firmer ground from which to seek solutions. Using basic systems theory and insights from early students of Bert Hellinger, such as Guntard Weber and Jan Jacob Stam, the constellation method has been successfully adapted for workplace settings. It also provides flexibility in coaching, allowing the client to identify potential systemic entanglements, such as a boss becoming unconsciously entangled with a client’s relationship with their father.

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